Monday, October 1, 2012

Sustainability- does anyone care? Part 1

We hear a lot of talk about Sustainability - or the responsible use of resources. But does anyone REALLY care? With the state of the economy the way it is - why worry about Sustainability?

Sustainability has largely been focused on the manufacturing industry. But there are many EASY ways that each business, large or small and each one of us can make SMARTER decisions with our resources- call it sustainability or not - it's just about working smarter.

One thing we all have in common is paper - and you might as well start there.

It's a fact- it is mailed to us, handed to us, piling up around us at home in the form of bills, flyers, magazines, and art that our kids made that we can't quite bring ourselves to throw away - and in our offices in filing cabinets, folders, drawers, and perhaps also in offsite storage.

Well in our office, we don't have much paper - in fact if any place has grasped the idea of a "paperless" office it can be seen at our place. We don't print things that we can read on the screen and we use small notebooks for jotting down notes (and for some of us, to-do lists and whatnot). And we also recycle the paper that is a by product of our Imaging & Conversion Services (that is the process of prepping, scanning and indexing documents for use in your ECM solution).  Even our Sr. Sales Engineer uses an iPad when on sales calls - which gets an incredible amount of attention I might add.

So once you get past the paper part- which maybe your office has, what Sustainable goals can you have? / / 215.266.0848

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