The WSJ posted an article today on "Big Data".
These are two of the most interesting quotes about the new trend on "Big Data" according to The Wall Street Journal:
"The use of data and analytics in general is going to be a basis of competition going forward for individual firms, for sectors and even for countries. Those companies that are able to use data effectively are more likely to win in the marketplace."
"That data is often used just to troubleshoot problems, but you can do a whole lot more with it—it is a categorical record of everything that has happened."
With the Paperless Technologies that we sell, we already know that Data is huge:
- want to know what employees are most effective at a task?
- who isn't doing their fair share of the work?
- want to see peak times of your staff and also lag times?
- want to evaluate trends quickly so you can respond quickly?
And much, much more-- it just depends on the nature of your business.
Call us today if you want to know more about how accessing, reporting and using your data can help grow your revenues, cut costs and make you more competitive. / 215.266.0848
Paperless Solutions, Inc. is an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Solutions Provider and a certified Hyland OnBase Re-seller. Since 1999 we have created solutions for companies in a wide variety of industries and government agencies of all sizes. We create scalable solutions for the full document lifecycle - from scanning in paper files to a process for day-to-day activities - for single departments to enterprise wide solutions.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
Jon Gordon -The Power of Thank You - Article excerpts
Jon Gordon -The Power of Thank You - Article excerpts
In the spirit of Thanksgiving I'd love to share with you the benefits and power of two simple words. THANK YOU.
They are two words that have the power to transform our health, happiness, and success. Research shows that grateful people are happier and more likely to maintain good friendships.
Gratitude and appreciation are also essential for
In the spirit of Thanksgiving I'd love to share with you the benefits and power of two simple words. THANK YOU.
They are two words that have the power to transform our health, happiness, and success. Research shows that grateful people are happier and more likely to maintain good friendships.
Gratitude and appreciation are also essential for
a healthy work environment. Gratitude is like muscle. The more we do with it the stronger it gets. In this spirit here are 4 ways to practice Thanksgiving every day of the year.
1. Take a Daily Thank You Walk -Take a simple 10-minute walk each day and say out loud what you are thankful for.
2. Meal Time Thank You's - At dinner with your friends and family, go around the table and have each person, say what they are thankful for.
3. Gratitude Letter - Write a letter expressing gratitude to someone.
4. Say Thank You at Work – Energize and engage your co-workers and team by letting them know you are grateful for them and their work. And of course don’t forget to say thank you to your clients and customers too.
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
1. Take a Daily Thank You Walk -Take a simple 10-minute walk each day and say out loud what you are thankful for.
2. Meal Time Thank You's - At dinner with your friends and family, go around the table and have each person, say what they are thankful for.
3. Gratitude Letter - Write a letter expressing gratitude to someone.
4. Say Thank You at Work – Energize and engage your co-workers and team by letting them know you are grateful for them and their work. And of course don’t forget to say thank you to your clients and customers too.
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Thank you to all Paperless Solutions staff and Customers - Happy Thanksgiving!
215-266-0848 /
Monday, November 12, 2012
How to make sure your battery on your mobile device lasts
Paperless Solutions LOVES mobile devices!!!!
As our favorite software, OnBase can run on iPhones, iPads Blackberry, and Android Devices, we thought these tips were very helpful:
How to make sure your mobile device lasts the longest during the times when you need it the most:
1) Close ALL your open apps
2) Use “Airplane mode”: Once you’re done talking for the night and don't need to be reached,
As our favorite software, OnBase can run on iPhones, iPads Blackberry, and Android Devices, we thought these tips were very helpful:
How to make sure your mobile device lasts the longest during the times when you need it the most:
1) Close ALL your open apps
2) Use “Airplane mode”: Once you’re done talking for the night and don't need to be reached,
switch your phone to “Airplane mode” during the quiet time in between (ideal time would be at night when everyone is sleeping). Doing this turns off all cell, data, GPS, Bluetooth, and WiFI capabilities.
3) Set your phone to ring, not vibrate: It takes more out of your battery to make the phone vibrate than it does to make it ring.
4) Tone down your screen brightness: The brighter your screen is, the more quickly the battery gets drained.
5) Turn off your data: If you’re not planning to Google movie times or check your email—or you don’t even have access to the Internet—turn your phone’s cellular data network off.
6) Turn off all unnecessary functions: No access to WiFi? Turn it off. Not traveling? Turn off the phone’s GPS. Not driving? You don’t need BlueTooth to be on. The less programs you have running, the longer it’ll last.
7) Turn off updates: Is your phone set up to receive Facebook updates, email notifications, Foursquare check-ins, and more? Turn them off — your phone is checking in on these sites for updates on a recurrent schedule and draining its battery in the process.
Now, let’s say your phone is on its last leg and you need to give it a quick charge. Here are a few ways that you can charge it without access to power in your home:
1) Go to a public place that has power: Could be a store, restaurant, bank . . . ask to use one of their outlets
2) Use your car charger: If your car battery isn’t on its last leg, start it up and let your phone sit there charging for 15 minutes or so. Better yet, plug it in and make your calls / text messages from the car while it’s charging so that the phone usage is a wash.
3) Use your laptop’s battery: Does your laptop still have some charge to it? Plug your phone in through the USB drive and get a quick charge that way.
3) Set your phone to ring, not vibrate: It takes more out of your battery to make the phone vibrate than it does to make it ring.
4) Tone down your screen brightness: The brighter your screen is, the more quickly the battery gets drained.
5) Turn off your data: If you’re not planning to Google movie times or check your email—or you don’t even have access to the Internet—turn your phone’s cellular data network off.
6) Turn off all unnecessary functions: No access to WiFi? Turn it off. Not traveling? Turn off the phone’s GPS. Not driving? You don’t need BlueTooth to be on. The less programs you have running, the longer it’ll last.
7) Turn off updates: Is your phone set up to receive Facebook updates, email notifications, Foursquare check-ins, and more? Turn them off — your phone is checking in on these sites for updates on a recurrent schedule and draining its battery in the process.
Now, let’s say your phone is on its last leg and you need to give it a quick charge. Here are a few ways that you can charge it without access to power in your home:
1) Go to a public place that has power: Could be a store, restaurant, bank . . . ask to use one of their outlets
2) Use your car charger: If your car battery isn’t on its last leg, start it up and let your phone sit there charging for 15 minutes or so. Better yet, plug it in and make your calls / text messages from the car while it’s charging so that the phone usage is a wash.
3) Use your laptop’s battery: Does your laptop still have some charge to it? Plug your phone in through the USB drive and get a quick charge that way. / 215.266.0848
Friday, November 9, 2012
NEW NMS Labs & Paperless Case Study by Hyland Software!
Paperless Solutions is pleased to announce that our client, NMS labs was selected for a Case Study by Hyland Software! Paperless Solutions partnered with NMS labs to streamline a labor and time consuming process involving litigation package processing. Now NMS can boast a savings of over 3,000 hours a year from the project. To read more on NMS labs, email
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Policy & Procedure Administration / DKT
Here is something for you HR, Manufacturing & Healthcare workers out there - a way to ensure that all employees are able to read, acknowledge and always find the most updated policies in your company.
Hyland calls it DKT or Document Knowledge Transfer and it streamlines your Policy and Procedure Process.
The Document Knowledge Transfer (DKT) (12) module enables organizations to rapidly distribute required reading documents to an entire employee workforce and easily audit reading compliance for legal, regulatory or educational purposes. DKT ensures all employee users are provided with the correct versions of all required documents and that deadlines for document reviews and acknowledgements are enforced.
Hyland calls it DKT or Document Knowledge Transfer and it streamlines your Policy and Procedure Process.
The Document Knowledge Transfer (DKT) (12) module enables organizations to rapidly distribute required reading documents to an entire employee workforce and easily audit reading compliance for legal, regulatory or educational purposes. DKT ensures all employee users are provided with the correct versions of all required documents and that deadlines for document reviews and acknowledgements are enforced.
- Human Resources: Employee handbooks and information security policies are automatically distributed to all employees required to review and acknowledge the information. Newly hired employees are provided with immediate access to the complete backlog of mandatory reading.
- Manufacturing: Distribute, record acknowledgement, and report reading compliance on material safety data sheets, operating procedures and other documents, in order to meet ISO-9000 and other requirements.
- Hospitals and Clinics: Technicians are notified of changes in policy and procedures and can review them. If the recommended methodology for a specific machine changes, any technician affected will be presented with a document to read and acknowledge. That acknowledgement can be tracked by user or by document. / 215.266.0848
Risa Vetri Ferman & Mission Kids
One of our Clients- Montgomery County's District Attorney, Risa Vetri Ferman, has been
nominated for a very big award, and if she wins it could be very meaningful for
Montgomery County’s Mission Kids organization.
Here’s the story. Risa is one of 10 women in the
United States picked by L'Oreal as a "Woman of Worth". L’Oreal
picked 10 women involved with non-profits, and they give $10,000 to the winner
for their non-profit. In Risa’s case, it is Mission Kids.
Starting today and continuing through November 21, there
will be on-line voting. The person or charity with most votes in the
country gets an additional $25,000.
Voting is for three weeks and you can vote every day, but
just once a day.
So, here’s what you can do:
1. send the link below out to all of your friends asking
them to vote for Risa.
2. Ask your friends to spread it via email, facebook,
twitter etc. to their networks and asking them to both vote and spread the
We have to make this go viral for Risa!
Here is the main link, help Risa and Mission Kids.
Thanks for your help, and I am sure Risa also appreciates
your help. / 215.266.0848
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
It takes a storm of historic proportions to push voting into the digital age
Paperless Solutions hopes you will get out and Vote today - One day we hope to be voting in our favorite fashion - Paperlessly!
Excepts from "Voting Online: still a rare exception"
It takes a storm of historic proportions to push voting t
echnology into the digital age. On Saturday, New Jersey said it will permit voters displaced by Superstorm Sandy to vote electronically. Though voters have to confirm their e-vote with a follow-up mail-in ballot, county clerks said they were sending ballots to storm victims that could be cast by e-mail or fax.
After Hurricane Katrina smashed into New Orleans in 2005, the Louisiana government implemented similar measures.
Only in disaster
In California, only overseas and military personnel protected under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act can cast ballots via e-mail. Otherwise, no state precincts allow voters to cast their ballots via e-mail, and the state hasn't considered building a secure Web portal for voters.
Why does it take a catastrophe for any state to tap an everyday communication medium as a means to vote?
There are several explanations, depending on whom you ask.
Nick Judd, managing editor of tech-in-politics site TechPresident, points out that ballots are supposed to be secret and untraceable back to the voter, and that if votes are sent by e-mail, they'll create a record in the server that the provider - or even the government with a warrant - could access.
(In the cases of ballots from overseas military personnel, voters must waive their right to a secret ballot so the vote can be processed.)
Another concern: E-mail is not dependable. Servers can fail. And with encryption and security measures varying among e-mail providers, ensuring a secure transaction is tricky.
All of which raises some philosophical issues about voting online.
"The question is whether these risks outweigh the benefits," said University of Pennsylvania security researcher Matt Blaze. "And whether the technical and procedural safeguards that are in place are adequate to mitigate (those risks) under these rather unique circumstances."
Secure website
An alternative to voting by e-mail is a government-administered secure website that voters could access to submit ballots.
Many of us bank and shop online, daily sending reams of crucial personal information over the Internet. So it would seem to follow that governments could create similar infrastructure for voting.
But David Jefferson, a cybersecurity researcher at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, argues strongly against a government voting portal. In a recent essay, he said that online security experts are nearly unanimous in their opposition to such a system. He argues that e-commerce transactions and voting - while seemingly similar on the surface - are very different behind the scenes.
"People have the illusion that e-commerce transactions are safe because merchants and banks don't hold consumers financially responsible for fraudulent transactions that they are the innocent victims of," he points out.
"Instead, the businesses absorb and redistribute the losses silently, passing them on in the invisible forms of higher prices, fees and interest rates. Businesses know that if consumers had to accept those losses personally, most online commerce would collapse."
No recompense
For online ballots, the equivalent would be a lost or altered vote. But unlike spreading costs around within a large bank, polling places can't compensate for erroneous votes.
Some supporters of online voting argue that vote tampering already occurs in the in-person and mail-in balloting procedures we now use, so we may as well modernize it.
"Then the question becomes, 'How many votes can we afford to lose?' " said Pamela Smith, president of the election-watching outfit Verified Voting Foundation. "I think it's none."
TechPresident's Judd is skeptical that a secure online voting portal is really possible, and isn't sure it's needed anyway.
"There's not a whole heck of a lot voter fraud now, from what we can tell," Judd says.
Caleb Garling is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. E-mail:
Read more:
After Hurricane Katrina smashed into New Orleans in 2005, the Louisiana government implemented similar measures.
Only in disaster
In California, only overseas and military personnel protected under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act can cast ballots via e-mail. Otherwise, no state precincts allow voters to cast their ballots via e-mail, and the state hasn't considered building a secure Web portal for voters.
Why does it take a catastrophe for any state to tap an everyday communication medium as a means to vote?
There are several explanations, depending on whom you ask.
Nick Judd, managing editor of tech-in-politics site TechPresident, points out that ballots are supposed to be secret and untraceable back to the voter, and that if votes are sent by e-mail, they'll create a record in the server that the provider - or even the government with a warrant - could access.
(In the cases of ballots from overseas military personnel, voters must waive their right to a secret ballot so the vote can be processed.)
Another concern: E-mail is not dependable. Servers can fail. And with encryption and security measures varying among e-mail providers, ensuring a secure transaction is tricky.
All of which raises some philosophical issues about voting online.
"The question is whether these risks outweigh the benefits," said University of Pennsylvania security researcher Matt Blaze. "And whether the technical and procedural safeguards that are in place are adequate to mitigate (those risks) under these rather unique circumstances."
Secure website
An alternative to voting by e-mail is a government-administered secure website that voters could access to submit ballots.
Many of us bank and shop online, daily sending reams of crucial personal information over the Internet. So it would seem to follow that governments could create similar infrastructure for voting.
But David Jefferson, a cybersecurity researcher at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, argues strongly against a government voting portal. In a recent essay, he said that online security experts are nearly unanimous in their opposition to such a system. He argues that e-commerce transactions and voting - while seemingly similar on the surface - are very different behind the scenes.
"People have the illusion that e-commerce transactions are safe because merchants and banks don't hold consumers financially responsible for fraudulent transactions that they are the innocent victims of," he points out.
"Instead, the businesses absorb and redistribute the losses silently, passing them on in the invisible forms of higher prices, fees and interest rates. Businesses know that if consumers had to accept those losses personally, most online commerce would collapse."
No recompense
For online ballots, the equivalent would be a lost or altered vote. But unlike spreading costs around within a large bank, polling places can't compensate for erroneous votes.
Some supporters of online voting argue that vote tampering already occurs in the in-person and mail-in balloting procedures we now use, so we may as well modernize it.
"Then the question becomes, 'How many votes can we afford to lose?' " said Pamela Smith, president of the election-watching outfit Verified Voting Foundation. "I think it's none."
TechPresident's Judd is skeptical that a secure online voting portal is really possible, and isn't sure it's needed anyway.
"There's not a whole heck of a lot voter fraud now, from what we can tell," Judd says.
Caleb Garling is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. E-mail:
Read more:
Monday, November 5, 2012
Wokflow Solutions - More Popular Than Ever
Workflow Solutions
Workflow solutions are becoming more popular than ever before - WHY? Because workflow fills in the communication gap between workers themselves as well as management. Workflow ensures that the correct procedure is followed and that employees know what is expected and what work needs to be completed.
Workflow rules ensure that the next person who needs to see/take action/approve/work on task receives that information as soon as the previous step was completed. Workflow eliminates the grumblings in the office of "so and so doesn't do any work" or "I'm waiting on X's approval" or "I never got that / didn't know I needed to do that".
Workflow organizes groups for efficiency, crea
Workflow solutions are becoming more popular than ever before - WHY? Because workflow fills in the communication gap between workers themselves as well as management. Workflow ensures that the correct procedure is followed and that employees know what is expected and what work needs to be completed.
Workflow rules ensure that the next person who needs to see/take action/approve/work on task receives that information as soon as the previous step was completed. Workflow eliminates the grumblings in the office of "so and so doesn't do any work" or "I'm waiting on X's approval" or "I never got that / didn't know I needed to do that".
Workflow organizes groups for efficiency, crea
ting a "task manager" view that can be thought of as one large to-do list. This can be broken down in to individual "types" of work; and can be used as a means of effectively sharing work. So ALL employees are organized - and each employee knows what exact task requires their attention at any one time.
Managers can view the status of tasks and work at anytime without contacting employees for status updates. And by viewing completion rates and volume of work, managers can effectively manage and recognize top performers as well as those needing additional training. An auditable history means there is proof of employee performance or "non-performance" as the case may sometimes be.
*Presents all related docs and data together
*Provides a framework of rules to route electronic documents
*Detailed auditable history to monitor security performance
*Offers flexible deployment and access across multiple interfaces
Managers can view the status of tasks and work at anytime without contacting employees for status updates. And by viewing completion rates and volume of work, managers can effectively manage and recognize top performers as well as those needing additional training. An auditable history means there is proof of employee performance or "non-performance" as the case may sometimes be.
*Presents all related docs and data together
*Provides a framework of rules to route electronic documents
*Detailed auditable history to monitor security performance
*Offers flexible deployment and access across multiple interfaces
*Enforces consistent business practices
*Reduce process variance and associated risk
*Reduce process variance and associated risk / 215.266.0848
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Be Your Customers’ Port When a Storm like Hurricane Sandy Hits
Paperless Solutions hopes everyone is safe and getting back to normal in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. This blog post by Hyland software expresses our sentiments - we are business as usual and here if you need us.
Be Your Customers’ Port When a Storm like Hurricane Sandy Hits
// October 30th, 2012 // Julie Rees
When a devastating storm like Hurricane Sandy hits, open and working companies and g
overnments are ports in the storm for worried customers. Just ask Hancock Bank, based on the Gulf Coast about hour east of New Orleans. When Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, Hancock branches were up and running the next day.
“People needed to know that there was something normal in a world of chaos,” says K. André Pires, loan operations analyst at Hancock Bank. “Many of the employees were victims themselves, but we still had branches open.”
While Hancock Bank was up and running for its customers, it wasn’t easy. Following the hurricane, Hancock Bank employees worked out of an old house, and the bank rented buses to transport employees from Gulfport, Miss., to Purvis, Miss., every day.
“When Katrina hit on August 29, we were forced to relocate the entire vault and move 126,000 physical files to a remote vault 75 miles away in Purvis,” said Pires.” Because we didn’t have a system up and running, we lost between two and three months of processing time – time that we could have been serving our customers more efficiently.”
Just days prior to the devastating storm, Hancock Bank had selected an enterprise content management (ECM) solution to reduce the customer service challenges associated with storing paper documents. In the aftermath of the storm, the bank realized just how important the ECM solution would be to its disaster preparedness.
“After the storm, our time frame for implementing a solution across the enterprise went from years to months,” said Pires.
Today, Hancock is ready with documents now stored electronically and accessible even if another disaster ever hit (and hopefully it doesn’t).
As Hurricane Sandy reached landfall last night, keeping family, friends, customers and constituents safe is clearly the first priority. Once those priorities are met, next up for many executives and IT departments is ensuring businesses are open and operating and serving their customers and constituents by providing “business as usual,” which can have a comforting affect in a world of confusion. With strong IT disaster preparedness and business continuity plans, many were ready as the sun rose and people began assessing damage.
However, some were probably not quite as ready as they wanted to be. Is your company ready? Are your documents accessible?
“The most important goal is to be here for customers,” says Pires. “Anything we can do to make their experience rewarding or effortless is a priority.”
Even if you are not located in a typical “storm zone,” the size and extent of Hurricane Sandy is a stark reminder for every organization to take disaster preparedness seriously. Being prepared for the worst will better enable your organization to provide consistent service in light of any disruption, such as power outages, snow closures and network failures.
“People needed to know that there was something normal in a world of chaos,” says K. André Pires, loan operations analyst at Hancock Bank. “Many of the employees were victims themselves, but we still had branches open.”
While Hancock Bank was up and running for its customers, it wasn’t easy. Following the hurricane, Hancock Bank employees worked out of an old house, and the bank rented buses to transport employees from Gulfport, Miss., to Purvis, Miss., every day.
“When Katrina hit on August 29, we were forced to relocate the entire vault and move 126,000 physical files to a remote vault 75 miles away in Purvis,” said Pires.” Because we didn’t have a system up and running, we lost between two and three months of processing time – time that we could have been serving our customers more efficiently.”
Just days prior to the devastating storm, Hancock Bank had selected an enterprise content management (ECM) solution to reduce the customer service challenges associated with storing paper documents. In the aftermath of the storm, the bank realized just how important the ECM solution would be to its disaster preparedness.
“After the storm, our time frame for implementing a solution across the enterprise went from years to months,” said Pires.
Today, Hancock is ready with documents now stored electronically and accessible even if another disaster ever hit (and hopefully it doesn’t).
As Hurricane Sandy reached landfall last night, keeping family, friends, customers and constituents safe is clearly the first priority. Once those priorities are met, next up for many executives and IT departments is ensuring businesses are open and operating and serving their customers and constituents by providing “business as usual,” which can have a comforting affect in a world of confusion. With strong IT disaster preparedness and business continuity plans, many were ready as the sun rose and people began assessing damage.
However, some were probably not quite as ready as they wanted to be. Is your company ready? Are your documents accessible?
“The most important goal is to be here for customers,” says Pires. “Anything we can do to make their experience rewarding or effortless is a priority.”
Even if you are not located in a typical “storm zone,” the size and extent of Hurricane Sandy is a stark reminder for every organization to take disaster preparedness seriously. Being prepared for the worst will better enable your organization to provide consistent service in light of any disruption, such as power outages, snow closures and network failures.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Do you lose a full day of work each time the weather turns nasty?
Do you lose a full day of work each time the weather turns nasty?
With the coming storm, Sandy, many employees wonder - "are we working tomorrow?"; but even harder than not knowing, is being the one who makes that call. As the decision maker you must decide between losing a days worth of productivity or worse - potentially putting your employees in harms way.
But it doesn't have to be this way. Enterprise Content Management (ECM) technology can enable your employees to work from home - and using various means to do it - including laptops, iPads, iPhones and Android devices. And by setting up self -service, much of your transactional business can still go on - even if the physical office is closed. One example of this is our e-Filing software in Montgomery County, PA. Today the physical courthouse may be closed, but Attorneys and Pro-Se filers around the state are still working - they are still able to file their cases. They won't be losing a day of work.
Need to access files or paperwork? If your employees had scanned the documents into OnBase upon receipt, they could be working on processing those documents from the safety of their homes - by viewing that document inside of your business system.
Want to know that your employees actually worked when they said that they did? Just look at the audit trail and the managers queue. You can see exactly how much work was completed by each employee.
But we've forgotten one of the BEST reasons to use an ECM system to prepare for nasty weather - if your office is destroyed, by water, rain, wind, fire - all of your documents are safe and secure. / 215.266.0848
Friday, October 26, 2012
MS Office Integration - Extend OnBase within Familiar applications
MS Office Integration allows users of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint to interact with OnBase enterprise content management through these familiar Microsoft Office interfaces. This integration provides users with single-click menu access for storing, retrieving, and editing OnBase documents and related content, without ever leaving their primary Office applications. The result is an easy-to-navigate interface which extends the powerful functionality of an OnBase solution to Microsoft Office.
- Provides simple access into OnBase directly from the familiar applications of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Any file generated in an Office application can be easily uploaded and managed in OnBase and immediately made available to other OnBase users.
- Users are able to directly access OnBase documents, regardless of file type, and execute available functionality from the familiar Microsoft Office toolbar ribbon as needed. Office documents will open in their respective application; most other file formats are presented in an OnBase viewer.
- This integration extends the benefits of an OnBase solution including security, Workflow automation, and auditable control at various levels and areas of responsibility throughout your organization, allowing for more connected and efficient interactions.
- Improves overall document management by integrating the benefits of an ECM solution with the Microsoft Office platform.
- Extends OnBase access by presenting OnBase features/functions within familiar Microsoft Office interfaces.
- Increases user efficiency by significantly reducing the need to jump between different applications to manage content.
- Minimizes training and support costs by leveraging user familiarity with Microsoft Office products.
- Save new documents created in Microsoft Office applications directly into OnBase with ability to delete files after upload.
- Upload non-Office documents, of any file type, including electronic forms, into OnBase from the Office ribbon.
- Automatic indexing of documents using OnBase keyword features (AutoFill Keyword Sets, Application Enabler) directly from the Office application.
- Retrieve documents stored in OnBase from the Office ribbon via preferred search interface (Document Retrieval, Custom Queries, Envelopes)- combining date, keyword and full-text search.
- Utilize standard OnBase features such as Notes, keyword management, cross-referencing, re-index, document properties and history. / 215.266.0848
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Leader & Visionary - Hyland Software in Gartner's Magic Quadrant
In Gartner's newest Magic Quadrant for ECM, just released this month, Hyland Software has moved further in to "Leaders- Visionaries" category. If you are not familiar with Gartner's Magic Quadrants, they are a visual ranking of the players in a particular technology, compiled and created by leading, independent researchers. Being ranked as a "Visionary - Leader" is the BEST quadrant for ECM- this means you will get a progressive technology that evolves and continues to offer new features and benefits and Leader means stability and quality. Way to go Hyland!
Want to know more about Hyland Software & Paperless Solutions : / 215.266.0848
Want to know more about Hyland Software & Paperless Solutions : / 215.266.0848
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Enhancing Outlook
Many of us live in Outlook all day, every day. What if you never had to leave Outlook to get all your work done? Wouldn't it be great if you could access all your OnBase documents, forms and features from Outlook? How about approving—or even submitting—a time off request, without ever leaving your familiar email client? With the release of OnBase 12, the OnBase functionality available from Outlook has DOUBLED to allow users to do some pretty spectacular things! And training? EASY! Users only have to learn a few more "icons" and steps to get started immediately!
“Outlook Integration” is so much more than just e-mail import and document retrieval
- Custom Queries, Envelopes, File Cabinets/Folders, Full-Text Search
- Collaboration, Document Composition, Records Management
- Create E-Forms, Unity Forms
- Ad-hoc Scan
- Edit, Separate and Sign Images
Friday, October 19, 2012
Paper forms at the Library of Congress
Forms, forms and more forms! Even at the Library of Congress!
I recently saw a great demo for a new feature from our Software Partner Hyland- Unity Forms. It made me think back to the very arduous experience I had this past week at the Library of Congress. As many people are probably wondering how a common person gets a library of Congress "Library card" or searches the largest library in the Country- I thought I would share.
To find out more about Unity Forms or how a Paperless Solution could help your business: or 215.266.0848
To find out more about the Library of Congress:
I recently saw a great demo for a new feature from our Software Partner Hyland- Unity Forms. It made me think back to the very arduous experience I had this past week at the Library of Congress. As many people are probably wondering how a common person gets a library of Congress "Library card" or searches the largest library in the Country- I thought I would share.
The Library of Congress not only has a massive collection of books, but is in itself a massive collection of buildings (all connected underground with walkways). After checking out the main building (Jefferson), I got the crazy notion that I should locate a few books written by my father. So after filling out a paper form in the basement of the Madison building (standard name, phone, address, etc.)- I was directed to fill out the SAME form on the computer (the exact same form!). Then a nice lady had to search to find my computer form, check it against my paper form AND still type in additional info from my ID. CRAZY!
Things just got better from there- I was directed to the periodicals and research room where a nice man did a search for me (after filling out a short form) and then printed out 2 pages in which we could still not determine if the books would be on the shelf or offsite in storage. I'm in this at least 45 min at this point. Then I was directed to the Adam's building (as the science collection is housed here) and guess what - was asked to fill out - yes, you guessed it - Another form. And it would be a minimum of an hour before my book(s) could be pulled (if they were actually there). So yes, I gave up.
So you probably understand why I am thrilled that Hyland has created the absolute easiest way to create and manage forms of all types- (internal & external). Hyland's Unity Forms simplify the creation of advanced forms using an integrated, point-and-click Forms Designer that greatly reduces the time and specialized skill required to build forms for use in OnBase. These forms can be sent as a link within an email, embedded in a website and can even be viewed on electronic pads & allow a "finger-drawn" signature.
Things just got better from there- I was directed to the periodicals and research room where a nice man did a search for me (after filling out a short form) and then printed out 2 pages in which we could still not determine if the books would be on the shelf or offsite in storage. I'm in this at least 45 min at this point. Then I was directed to the Adam's building (as the science collection is housed here) and guess what - was asked to fill out - yes, you guessed it - Another form. And it would be a minimum of an hour before my book(s) could be pulled (if they were actually there). So yes, I gave up.
So you probably understand why I am thrilled that Hyland has created the absolute easiest way to create and manage forms of all types- (internal & external). Hyland's Unity Forms simplify the creation of advanced forms using an integrated, point-and-click Forms Designer that greatly reduces the time and specialized skill required to build forms for use in OnBase. These forms can be sent as a link within an email, embedded in a website and can even be viewed on electronic pads & allow a "finger-drawn" signature.
Just imagine how much faster and more efficient the process of researching at The Library of Congress could be with Hyland's Unity Forms: Just one form, accessible from internal computers or external - one that contained your standard info - registering you AND kicking off a workflow to help them locate your book , and then notifying you when it was ready for viewing. Just imagine how that could change the course of history!
To find out more about Unity Forms or how a Paperless Solution could help your business: or 215.266.0848
To find out more about the Library of Congress:
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Application Enabler LIVE! Enable your business systems!

Application Enabler Live
Application Enabler Live gives you a view of pertinent documents right from your business application – without clicking a mouse or pressing any keys. A “Live Count” icon appears on your desktop (1), giving you real-time information about available documents and alerting you when documents are missing (2). When you hover over the Live Count window, a list will show you which configured document types have available documents, and which ones have missing documents (3). In addition, the “Live Retrieval” window can be left open, giving you an updated document list and document viewer (4).

Application Enabler Live gives you a view of pertinent documents right from your business application – without clicking a mouse or pressing any keys. A “Live Count” icon appears on your desktop (1), giving you real-time information about available documents and alerting you when documents are missing (2). When you hover over the Live Count window, a list will show you which configured document types have available documents, and which ones have missing documents (3). In addition, the “Live Retrieval” window can be left open, giving you an updated document list and document viewer (4).

Business ExampleAny business process that handles high volumes of documents can benefit from the Live Count feature. The ability to give higher visibility to complete sets of documents means that when the time comes to make decisions, employees have all the information they need – without requiring them to step out of the process driven by their business system. / 215.266.0848
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Increase Customer Satisfaction with Electronic Signatures
Increase Customer Satisfaction with Electronic Signatures// excerpts from Michelle Shapiro's Hyland Blog
Consumers are becoming more and more tech-savvy. To win or keep their business, you need to offer the cutting-edge services they expect, like e-signatures.
When a co-signer for a loan is offsite, e-signatures offer a way to complete the transaction from wherever they are, as long as they have access to a computer.
Because they ensure authenticity, integrity and accuracy, e-signatures have been legal in the United States since 2000. When compliance requirements mandate a handwritten signature, you can capture and apply signatures electronically to documents and forms with a signature pad. It’s that simple.
Using e-signature solutions that integrate with an ECM system also gives you the ability to sign documents and then store, access and manage them electronically. Once you’ve obtained a member or customer’s signature, documents don’t have to be printed, mailed or emailed. Instead, they immediately go into an electronic document workflow that automatically forwards them through processes, alerting key stakeholders along the way.
Using e-signatures and ECM, you also eliminate the risk of fraudulent document alteration and guarantee your signed documents remain protected and unaltered. And you efficiently track electronic acknowledgements of documents. That helps you proactively comply with evolving local, state and federal regulations. It also makes it easy to prepare for audits. With e-signatures and ECM, you shorten the revenue cycle and reduce the cost and risk of paper-driven processes.
Want to know more about Electronic Signatures? Contact us:
215-266-0848 or
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Keeping Sensitive Information Safe
Between online shopping and companies that require our Social Security numbers to sign up for practically everything - there is more risk than ever that our private information could become very public.
The two things that worry me most are paper & people. Call me paranoid, but consider this:
Let's start with paper. If you are asked to fill out a paper form, how do you know who sees the information? Where does that form go in the process and how it is stored or destroyed? I'm very skeptical that each time I've given information in this way that it is destroyed after it serves its purpose.
Then I think on all the times I've had to give Social Security numbers, mothers middle name or other pass code info over the phone- what if THIS is the day that this particular customer service rep has reached the end of their rope - and is walking out the door with my info and others.
What gives me more confidence? When I know my information is redacted. And not just by a person with a marker. Automated Redaction Software can be set up to "blackout" the sensitive information in forms and on other documents. Allowing only the right people to see that actual information and making sure that my information doesn't get printed out by a rogue employee and walked out the door.
Are you dealing with customer's sensitive information as part of your daily process? Are you interested in hearing how Automated Redaction Software can make you breeze through audits and also assure those customers that you have their best interests in mind? / 215.266.0848
The two things that worry me most are paper & people. Call me paranoid, but consider this:
Let's start with paper. If you are asked to fill out a paper form, how do you know who sees the information? Where does that form go in the process and how it is stored or destroyed? I'm very skeptical that each time I've given information in this way that it is destroyed after it serves its purpose.
Then I think on all the times I've had to give Social Security numbers, mothers middle name or other pass code info over the phone- what if THIS is the day that this particular customer service rep has reached the end of their rope - and is walking out the door with my info and others.
What gives me more confidence? When I know my information is redacted. And not just by a person with a marker. Automated Redaction Software can be set up to "blackout" the sensitive information in forms and on other documents. Allowing only the right people to see that actual information and making sure that my information doesn't get printed out by a rogue employee and walked out the door.
Are you dealing with customer's sensitive information as part of your daily process? Are you interested in hearing how Automated Redaction Software can make you breeze through audits and also assure those customers that you have their best interests in mind? / 215.266.0848
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
iPad, iPhone & Android Integration for OnBase - View Scanned Documents with your Internal Systems
iPad, iPhone & Android Integration for OnBase - View Scanned Documents with your Internal Systems
iPad, iPhone & Android Integration for OnBase - View Scanned Documents with your Internal Systems
Product Overview
Using iPads, iPhones and Android devices just became even more powerful with OnBase integration. Now you can access your internal systems (homegrown, ERP, Lawson, etc), AND view scanned documents on your device. No longer must you have an alternative method (like Fax or a large email attachment to keep work moving ahead). If your away from the office or if you're at a client site, you can easily do the same detailed level of research immediately, vs. waiting to return to the office and following up later.
- Access scanned documents from device
- Work from anywhere, at any time
- Link into your own existing systems
- Eliminate delays - look up items on demand
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Clinical Laboratory Services
Last week Paperless Solutions released a new product sheet for Clinical Laboratory Services.
Here are some of the best aspects of our services for this industry.
Interested to hear more: Contact us at 215.266.0848 or
Here are some of the best aspects of our services for this industry.
Index with Barcodes
Use the same
barcodes you print for samples
& View Documents with a Single Key
No need to leave
your lab system to view documents
Users View Documents Simultaneously
Technicians, Billing -
all viewing at the same time
Sensitive Information
While maintaining
original unaltered copy
Litigation Pack Processing
Gather the
information you need quickly and efficiently
Documents Electronically
With highlights,
notes, etc.
Access to Documents & Functionality
Based on specific
roles or departments
Ease Audits
With a secure
permissions & audit trails
Interested to hear more: Contact us at 215.266.0848 or
Monday, October 8, 2012
What to do on Nov 7th- Drive Efficiency in Govt.
What to Do on November 7th – Driving Efficiency in Government
// October 5th, 2012 // Terry Jones/ Affordable Housing, Document Management, Enterprise content management,Finance & Administration, Government, Health & Human Services, IT, Justice & Public Safety, Mobile,Public Works, Software as a Service, State and Local Government, Uncategorized, Workflow // Terri Jones
As an IT director, what happens when you wake up on November 7th to face new directors, commissioners, mayors or governors who were elected on a platform of improving government efficiency? When you’re asked to contribute to briefings for newly elected officials and you sense the opportunity to improve your organization and provide some direction, how do you explain efficiency in government?
Here are three ideas to keep in mind:
- Time to retrieve – Addressing the time it takes to retrieve critical documents and the information they contain is one of the strongest and most basic ways to improve government processes. Consider how long it takes your staff to find the information needed to move the day-to-day tasks forward. How much time is spent searching for documents instead of focusing on more important tasks?
- Time to process – One of the reasons improving efficiency is common during election years is because of the time it takes to complete government processes. However, current revenue struggles in government have led to even fewer staff members available to complete processes like human service eligibility, plan reviews and public records requests. Typically, it’s the speed – or lack of it – of government processes that lead to candidates running on an “improve government efficiency” ticket. As a result, targeting ways to speed up these processes despite staff cutbacks will be a winning strategy for efficiency-minded officials while also relieving the pressure on your overworked colleagues.
- Time to take action – Decisions regarding courses of action define government. How can technology make sure these important decision points aren’t lost in the pile of work? When speaking with newly elected officials, it’s important to consider how long it takes your organization to address problems, issues and requests. Despite backlogs, government must address emergencies – such as child welfare and traffic accidents – in a timely manner.
Now, let’s say these ideas really resonate with your incoming elected officials. Next, you’ll be asked to propose ways to drive efficiency using technology. Consider the value an enterprise content management (ECM) solution offers. Typically, government has a split between data in department solutions and the documents that drive and record actions. Government must utilize ECM to contain costs and position itself to be the mobile, transparent and engaged force that constituents demand.
Here are two ways ECM can improve government processes:
- Integration – An ECM solution connects all of your data systems and the documents that drive government. When you integrate systems, staff instantly access information, reducing the time spent retrieving information from days and hours to seconds. And, with codeless integration tools, government can implement it affordably across all departments as time and budget permit.
- Automation – With ECM, government can use workflow automation to route critical work, notify staff of important tasks and digitize paper moving through agencies. Not only does this reduce the time needed to complete these processes, it also allows overwhelmed staff to focus on more important tasks like improving constituent services.
So, this election year, when you are asked to drive efficiency, think about how ECM can make government more efficient while also helping newly elected officials propose and support the technology investments government needs today and in the future.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Trimming the FAT - Lean Initiatives & Lean Business
We all have our own battles with FAT- the good majority of us are always looking to trim a little here and a little there - and now analysts are telling us that once again 2013 will be another year of trimming the fat from businesses. Here is Paperless' take on effective trimming.
At Paperless Solutions we don't see lean business as a daunting task - unlike how we view diets.
Creating lean business processes are a key aspect of our software solutions. And unlike most software in the ECM (Enterprise Content Management) space, the OnBase Software we use is modular - so you only buy the module that addresses the problem you are looking to solve. Then when you want to expand the paperless process or improved workflow further - you add on. So you won't be stuck with a bunch of functionality in your software that you will never use ( "Fat with software").
When evaluating lean initiatives, the ROI (Return on Investment) must be considered - with ECM, you get ROI in many buckets- some very visual (less paper being purchased, recycled, thrown away, printed; fewer copiers, repair people, toner, paper jams); and other ROIs that must be bench-marked in advance (time to respond or complete actions or orders, projects, approvals; accuracy) etc.
So, as with diets, planning is key to success with lean initiatives, first you must understand what business process needs trimming, then get a solution that addresses that issue, without re-distributing the fat elsewhere (fat with software). And, before getting started you must define a way to evaluate success once your project is completed - and actually carry it through. Just imagine how slim your business will look when you can show the before and after!
215.266.0848 /
At Paperless Solutions we don't see lean business as a daunting task - unlike how we view diets.
Creating lean business processes are a key aspect of our software solutions. And unlike most software in the ECM (Enterprise Content Management) space, the OnBase Software we use is modular - so you only buy the module that addresses the problem you are looking to solve. Then when you want to expand the paperless process or improved workflow further - you add on. So you won't be stuck with a bunch of functionality in your software that you will never use ( "Fat with software").
When evaluating lean initiatives, the ROI (Return on Investment) must be considered - with ECM, you get ROI in many buckets- some very visual (less paper being purchased, recycled, thrown away, printed; fewer copiers, repair people, toner, paper jams); and other ROIs that must be bench-marked in advance (time to respond or complete actions or orders, projects, approvals; accuracy) etc.
So, as with diets, planning is key to success with lean initiatives, first you must understand what business process needs trimming, then get a solution that addresses that issue, without re-distributing the fat elsewhere (fat with software). And, before getting started you must define a way to evaluate success once your project is completed - and actually carry it through. Just imagine how slim your business will look when you can show the before and after!
215.266.0848 /
Monday, October 1, 2012
Sustainability- does anyone care? Part 1
We hear a lot of talk about Sustainability - or the responsible use of resources. But does anyone REALLY care? With the state of the economy the way it is - why worry about Sustainability?
Sustainability has largely been focused on the manufacturing industry. But there are many EASY ways that each business, large or small and each one of us can make SMARTER decisions with our resources- call it sustainability or not - it's just about working smarter.
One thing we all have in common is paper - and you might as well start there.
It's a fact- it is mailed to us, handed to us, piling up around us at home in the form of bills, flyers, magazines, and art that our kids made that we can't quite bring ourselves to throw away - and in our offices in filing cabinets, folders, drawers, and perhaps also in offsite storage.
Well in our office, we don't have much paper - in fact if any place has grasped the idea of a "paperless" office it can be seen at our place. We don't print things that we can read on the screen and we use small notebooks for jotting down notes (and for some of us, to-do lists and whatnot). And we also recycle the paper that is a by product of our Imaging & Conversion Services (that is the process of prepping, scanning and indexing documents for use in your ECM solution). Even our Sr. Sales Engineer uses an iPad when on sales calls - which gets an incredible amount of attention I might add.
So once you get past the paper part- which maybe your office has, what Sustainable goals can you have? / / 215.266.0848
Sustainability has largely been focused on the manufacturing industry. But there are many EASY ways that each business, large or small and each one of us can make SMARTER decisions with our resources- call it sustainability or not - it's just about working smarter.
One thing we all have in common is paper - and you might as well start there.
It's a fact- it is mailed to us, handed to us, piling up around us at home in the form of bills, flyers, magazines, and art that our kids made that we can't quite bring ourselves to throw away - and in our offices in filing cabinets, folders, drawers, and perhaps also in offsite storage.
Well in our office, we don't have much paper - in fact if any place has grasped the idea of a "paperless" office it can be seen at our place. We don't print things that we can read on the screen and we use small notebooks for jotting down notes (and for some of us, to-do lists and whatnot). And we also recycle the paper that is a by product of our Imaging & Conversion Services (that is the process of prepping, scanning and indexing documents for use in your ECM solution). Even our Sr. Sales Engineer uses an iPad when on sales calls - which gets an incredible amount of attention I might add.
So once you get past the paper part- which maybe your office has, what Sustainable goals can you have? / / 215.266.0848
Friday, September 28, 2012
24/7 Access - Allowing Customer Self-Service
Today's customers have grown accustom to self-service - and now it's time for self-serve Government.
As customers we expect to be able to get the information we want on our own schedules. Many of us simply like the idea of not needing a human to get what we want - maybe it's antisocial behavior or perhaps the fact that every time we speak to a representative they give us the same long pitch to sell us something.
What ever the case may be, we have naturally grown to expect our local Government to follow suit. If you consider the benefits to both government workers and the constituents, you wonder why there is even a debate or delay - (or perhaps you know the answer to that). Consider a few benefits:
e-Filing of Civil Cases Online -
Benefits to ProSe ( Joe Public to the rest of you) & Attorneys
- No need to actually go to the courthouse (no you don't have to take off work to make it between 9-4 Mon-Fri); find parking; go through security; stand in line; get inquisitive looks from other filers- etc.
- Pro-Se filers- you can actually file yourself (and have a guide that leads you through what is needed Caveat- to some extent- it won't give you legal advice)
- You can file from ANYWHERE - at ANY time
Benefits to Government Staff
- Ease of scheduling and organizing workflow- they no longer have to wait for customers at the calendar or for the mail to be delivered
- Previous data entry is alleviated as it is done by the filer- reducing mistakes and speeding up processing
Accessing Public Records online -
Benefits to the Public
- View any public records from anywhere at anytime
- Receive the materials electronically, which is how you will inevitably need them to email or save, etc.
Benefits to Government Staff
- No need to process the request, no researching, copying, mailing - Citizen was able to get the information they need & you didn't have to interact at all! / 215.266.0848 /
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